
Danielle de Niese - Beauty of the Baroque

Danielle de Niese - Beauty of the Baroque
- Danielle de Niese
- Andreas Scholl
- The English Concert
1 Dowland - Come again- sweet love doth now invite 2:42 6.18 Mb 320 Kbps 0.12 $
2 Dowland - What if I never speed 2:31 5.77 Mb 320 Kbps 0.12 $
3 Handel, Serse - Ombra mai fu 2:54 6.65 Mb 320 Kbps 0.13 $
4 Handel, Samson - Let the bright Seraphim 5:35 12.77 Mb 320 Kbps 0.26 $
5 Purcell, Dido and Aeneas - Thy hand, Belinda...When I am laid in earth 5:07 11.70 Mb 320 Kbps 0.23 $
6 Handel, Acis and Galatea - Heart, the seat of soft delight 4:10 9.56 Mb 320 Kbps 0.19 $
7 Monteverdi, L'incoronazione di Poppea - Pur ti miro 4:35 10.49 Mb 320 Kbps 0.21 $
8 Monteverdi, Scherzi musicali - Quel sguardo sdegnosetto 3:02 6.93 Mb 320 Kbps 0.14 $
9 Handel, Rodelinda - Io t'abbraccio 6:53 12.60 Mb 256 Kbps 0.25 $
10 Handel, The Triumph of Time and Truth - Guardian angels, oh, protect me 6:00 13.72 Mb 320 Kbps 0.27 $
11 Pergolesi, Stabat Mater - Stabat Mater 3:56 9.01 Mb 320 Kbps 0.18 $
12 Bach, Cantata BWV 202 - Sich uber im Lieben 4:39 10.63 Mb 320 Kbps 0.21 $
13 Bach, Cantata BWV 208 - Schafe konnen sicher weiden 4:45 10.89 Mb 320 Kbps 0.22 $
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1 Dowland - Come again- sweet love doth now invite 2:42 11.44 Mb 592 Kbps 0.17 $
2 Dowland - What if I never speed 2:31 10.04 Mb 556 Kbps 0.15 $
3 Handel, Serse - Ombra mai fu 2:54 11.28 Mb 542 Kbps 0.17 $
4 Handel, Samson - Let the bright Seraphim 5:35 27.91 Mb 699 Kbps 0.42 $
5 Purcell, Dido and Aeneas - Thy hand, Belinda...When I am laid in earth 5:07 20.16 Mb 551 Kbps 0.30 $
6 Handel, Acis and Galatea - Heart, the seat of soft delight 4:10 16.36 Mb 547 Kbps 0.25 $
7 Monteverdi, L'incoronazione di Poppea - Pur ti miro 4:35 19.24 Mb 587 Kbps 0.29 $
8 Monteverdi, Scherzi musicali - Quel sguardo sdegnosetto 3:02 12.91 Mb 596 Kbps 0.19 $
9 Handel, Rodelinda - Io t'abbraccio 6:53 28.56 Mb 580 Kbps 0.43 $
10 Handel, The Triumph of Time and Truth - Guardian angels, oh, protect me 6:00 25.80 Mb 602 Kbps 0.39 $
11 Pergolesi, Stabat Mater - Stabat Mater 3:56 16.66 Mb 591 Kbps 0.25 $
12 Bach, Cantata BWV 202 - Sich uber im Lieben 4:39 21.32 Mb 642 Kbps 0.32 $
13 Bach, Cantata BWV 208 - Schafe konnen sicher weiden 4:45 18.05 Mb 530 Kbps 0.27 $
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