
Handel - Chandos Anthems (complete) - Harry Christophers

Handel - Chandos Anthems (complete) - Harry Christophers

Жанр:Духовная музыка, Хоровая музыка
Композитор:Георг Фридрих Гендель
Дирижер:Harry Christophers
Исполнители: The Sixteen Choir & Orchestra

CD1 - Chandos Anthems Nos.1-3, HWV 246-248

01. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 1. Sonata
2:12 5.08 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
02. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 2. O be joyful in the Lord
2:00 4.61 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
03. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 3. Serve the Lord with gladness
2:13 5.10 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
04. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 4. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God
2:38 6.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
05. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 5. O go your way into his gates
3:13 7.40 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
06. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 6. For the Lord is gracious
2:43 6.28 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
07. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 7. Glory be to the Father
1:35 3.66 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
08. No.1 'O be joyful in the Lord' (Psalm 100), HWV246 - 8. As it was in the beginning
3:13 7.40 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
09. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 1. Sonata
3:55 8.99 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
10. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 2. In the Lord put I my trust
4:06 9.45 Mb 320 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
11. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 3. God is a constant sure defense
2:34 5.93 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
12. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 4. Behold, the wicked bend their bow
2:45 6.33 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
13. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 5. But God, who hears the suff'ring pow'r
2:22 5.48 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
14. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 6. Snares, fire and brimstone on their heads
1:36 3.70 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
15. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 7. The righteous Lord will righteous deeds
2:05 4.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
16. No.2 'In the Lord put I my trust' (Psalms 9, 11-13), HWV247 - 8. Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd
2:21 5.42 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
17. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 1. Sonata
3:36 8.27 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
18. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 2. Have mercy upon me, O God
3:59 9.15 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
19. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 3. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness
2:56 6.77 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
20. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 4. For I acknowledge my faults
0:44 1.71 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
21. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 5. Against thee only have I sinned
1:36 3.71 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
22. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 6. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness
2:17 5.26 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
23. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 7. Make me a clean heart, O God
2:40 6.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
24. No.3 'Have mercy upon me' (Psalm 51), HWV248 - 8. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked
1:56 4.46 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy

CD2 - Chandos Anthems Nos.4-6, HWV 249-251

01. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 1. Sonata
2:54 6.69 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
02. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 2. O sing unto the Lord a new song!
1:55 4.42 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
03. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 3. Declare his honour unto the heathen
2:40 6.13 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
04. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 4. The waves of the sea rage horribly
1:36 3.71 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
05. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 5. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
3:16 7.52 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
06. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 6. Let the whole earth stand in awe of him
0:49 1.92 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
07. No.4 'O sing unto the Lord a new song' (Psalm 93, 96), HWV249 - 7. Let the heav'ns rejoice
1:37 3.73 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
08. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 1. Sonata
3:39 8.38 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
09. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 2. I will magnify thee O god my King
1:46 4.11 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
10. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 3. Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee
3:32 8.12 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
11. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 4. One generation shall praise thy works unto another
2:06 4.86 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
12. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 5. The Lord preserveth all them that love him
2:31 5.82 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
13. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 6. The Lord is righteous in all his ways
3:07 7.20 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
14. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 7. Happy are the people that are in such a case
3:58 9.11 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
15. No.5 'I will magnify thee' (Psalm 144, 145), HWV250 - 8. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord
2:51 6.58 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
16. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 1. Sonata
3:26 7.92 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
17. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 2. As pants the hart for cooling streams
3:07 7.19 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
18. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 3. Tears are my daily food
3:08 7.23 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
19. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 4. Now when I think thereupon I pour out my heart
1:33 3.59 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
20. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 5. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
1:41 3.88 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
21. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 6. Why so full of grief, O my soul
4:23 10.07 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
22. No.6 'As pants the hart for cooling streams' (Psalm 42), HWV251 - 7. Put thy trust in God for I will praise him
2:56 6.75 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy

CD3 - Chandos Anthems Nos.7-9, HWV 252-254

01. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 1. Sonata
3:12 7.39 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
02. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 2. My song shall be alway
5:05 11.67 Mb 320 Kbp
0.23 $ Buy
03. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 3. For who is he among the clouds
0:34 1.34 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
04. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 4. God is very greatly to be feared
2:21 5.43 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
05. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 5. The heav'ns are thine
2:10 5.01 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
06. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 6. Righteousness and equity are the habitation
3:13 7.41 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
07. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 7. Blessed is the people
2:41 6.19 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
08. No.7 'My song shall be alway' (Psalm 89), HWV 252 - 8. Thou art the glory
1:22 3.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
09. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 1. Sonata
3:58 9.14 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
10. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 2. O come, let us sing unto the Lord
3:28 7.97 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
11. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 3. O come, let us worship
3:43 8.57 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
12. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 4. Glory and worship are before him
1:48 4.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
13. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 5. Tell it out among the heathen
5:51 13.44 Mb 320 Kbp
0.27 $ Buy
14. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 6. O magnify the Lord
3:36 8.28 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
15. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 7. The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints
2:59 6.89 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
16. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 8. For look, as high as the heaven is
2:00 4.64 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
17. No.8 'O come, let us sing unto the Lord' (Psalm 95), HWV 253 - 9. There is sprung up a light for the righteous
2:44 6.32 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
18. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 1. O Praise the Lord with one consent
5:12 11.96 Mb 320 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
19. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 2. Praise him, all ye that in his house
3:08 7.22 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
20. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 3. For this our truest int'rest is
2:27 5.64 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
21. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 4. That God is great we often have
2:34 5.93 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
22. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 5. With cheerful notes let all the earth
3:24 7.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
23. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 6. God's tender mercy knows no bounds
2:54 6.68 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
24. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 7. Ye boundless realms of joy
2:25 5.57 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
25. No.9 'O praise the Lord with one consent' (Psalm 135), HWV 254 - 8. Your voices raise
2:07 4.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy

CD4 - Chandos Anthems Nos.10-11, HWV 255-256

01. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 1. Sinfonia
2:44 6.28 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
02. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 2. The Lord is my light and my salvation
2:39 6.13 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
03. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 3. Though an host of men were laid against me
3:02 7.01 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
04. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord
4:17 9.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
05. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 5. I will offer in his dwelling an oblation
3:01 6.94 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
06. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 6. For who is God but the Lord
4:16 9.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
07. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 7. The Lord is my strength and my shield
2:14 5.15 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
08. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 8. It is the Lord that ruleth the sea
1:43 3.96 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
09. No.10 'The Lord is my light' (Psalm 27), HWV 255 - 9. Sing praises unto the Lord
4:08 9.52 Mb 320 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
10. No.11 'Let God arise' (Psalm 68), HWV 256 - 1. Sonata
3:52 8.90 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
11. No.11 'Let God arise' (Psalm 68), HWV 256 - 2. Let God arise
2:56 6.77 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
12. No.11 'Let God arise' (Psalm 68), HWV 256 - 3. Like as the smoke vanisheth
2:38 6.08 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
13. No.11 'Let God arise' (Psalm 68), HWV 256 - 4. Let the righteous be glad
3:11 7.35 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
14. No.11 'Let God arise' (Psalm 68), HWV 256 - 5. O sing unto God
3:19 7.64 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
15. No.11 'Let God arise' (Psalm 68), HWV 256 - 6. Praised be the Lord
5:26 12.48 Mb 320 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
10.13 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy

CD1 - Chandos Anthems Nos.1-3, HWV 246-248

CD2 - Chandos Anthems Nos.4-6, HWV 249-251

CD3 - Chandos Anthems Nos.7-9, HWV 252-254

CD4 - Chandos Anthems Nos.10-11, HWV 255-256

0.00 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy
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