
Karol Szymanowski - Complete Songs for Voice and Piano

Karol Szymanowski - Complete Songs for Voice and Piano

Жанр:Вокально-инструментальная музыка
Композитор:Шимановский, Кароль
Исполнители: Piotr Beczala, Juliana Gondek, Urszula Kryger, Iwona Sobotka, Reinild Mees

CD 1

1. 6 Songs Op. 2 - I. Daleko zostal caly swiat The world is left far behind
2:34 5.88 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
2. 6 Songs Op. 2 - II. Tys nie umarla You are not dead
1:52 4.28 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
3. 6 Songs Op. 2 - III. We mglach In the mists
1:47 4.09 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
4. 6 Songs Op. 2 - IV. Czasemgdy dlugo na pol sennie marze Sometimes when long I drowsili dream
2:24 5.50 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
5. 6 Songs Op. 2 - V. Slyszalem ciebie I heard you
2:27 5.61 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
6. 6 Songs Op. 2 - VI. Pielgrzym The pilgrim
2:04 4.73 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
7. 3 Poems by Jan Kasprowicz Op. 5 - 1. Swiety Boze Holy God
6:27 14.77 Mb 320 Kbp
0.30 $ Buy
8. 3 Poems by Jan Kasprowicz Op. 5 - 2. Jestem i placze I am and I weep
5:25 12.40 Mb 320 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
9. 3 Poems by Jan Kasprowicz Op. 5 - 3. Moja piesn wieczorna My evening song
5:12 11.91 Mb 320 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
10. Labedz The Swan Op. 7
3:34 8.17 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
11. 4 Songs Op. 11 - I. Tak jestem smetny Joyless I am
3:18 7.56 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
12. 4 Songs Op. 11 - II. W zaczarowanym lesie In the enchanted forest
2:20 5.34 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
13. 4 Songs Op. 11 - III. Nade mna leci w szafir morza Flying over me into the sapphire of the sea
1:40 3.82 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
14. 4 Songs Op. 11 - IV. Rycz burzo Roar storm
2:27 5.61 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
15. Piosenki Zolnierskie - 1. Do dziewczyny To a girl
1:58 4.51 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
16. Piosenki Zolnierskie - 2. O zwiedzionym zolnierzu The outsmarted soldier
2:34 5.88 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
17. Piosenki Zolnierskie - 3. Wyszywala raz Hanka Hanka was embroidering
1:20 3.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
18. Idom se siuhaje dolu spiewajecy Young highlanders descend singing
1:14 2.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
19. 5 Songs Op. 13 - I. Stimme im Dunkeln Voice in the dark
2:17 5.23 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
20. 5 Songs Op. 13 - II. Christkindleins Wiegenlied The Christchilds lullaby
3:12 7.33 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
21. 5 Songs Op. 13 - III. Auf See At sea
1:50 4.20 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
22. 5 Songs Op. 13 - IV. Zuleikha Suleika
2:21 5.38 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
23. 5 Songs Op. 13 - V. Die schwarze Laute The black lute
2:27 5.61 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
24. 3 Songs Op. 32 - 1. Sunrise
1:55 4.39 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
25. 3 Songs Op. 32 - 2. ÃStarless sky
2:13 5.08 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
26. 3 Songs Op. 32 - 3. Autumnal sun
2:20 5.33 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy

CD 2

1. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - I. Einsiedel The hermit
2:02 4.66 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
2. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - II. Lied des Madchens am Fenster Song of the girl at the window
2:45 6.30 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
3. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - III. An kleine Madchen For little girl
2:25 5.54 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
4. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - IV. Das hat die Sommernacht getan That is what the summer night did
1:58 4.51 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
5. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - V. Bestimmung Destiny
1:49 4.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
6. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 1. Allah Allah Akbar Allah Akbar
2:40 6.11 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
7. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 2. O ukochana ma O my belved
1:55 4.39 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
8. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 3. Ledwie blask slonca The barely golden sun
2:56 6.72 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
9. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 4. W poludnie At noon
2:17 5.23 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
10. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 5. O tej godzinie At this hour
2:55 6.68 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
11. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 6. Odeszlas w pustynie You departed
3:25 7.82 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
12. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 1. Gentle lady do not sing
1:48 4.12 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
13. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 2. Sleep now
1:31 3.48 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
14. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 3. Lean out of the window
1:06 2.52 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
15. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 4. My dove my beautiful one
1:43 3.93 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
16. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 5. Strings in the earth
1:18 2.98 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
17. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 6. Winds of may
1:09 2.64 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
18. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 7. Rain has fallen
1:41 3.86 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
19. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 1. Lecioly zorazie The cranes where flying
1:49 4.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
20. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 2. Wysla burzycka The storm has come
1:55 4.39 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
21. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 3. Uwoz mamo Beware mother
2:09 4.92 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
22. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 4. U jeziorecka By the lake
2:25 5.53 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
23. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 5. A pod borem siwe kunie Grey horses by the forest
2:36 5.96 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
24. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 6. Bzicem kunia Hurry the horse
2:26 5.57 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
25. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 7. Sciani dumbek Felled oak
1:52 4.28 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
26. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 8. Lec glosie po rosie Fly my voice over the dew
1:45 4.01 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
27. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 9. Zarzyjze kuniu Neigh horse
3:08 7.18 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
28. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 10. Ciamna nocka ciamna Dark is the night dark
1:58 4.51 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
29. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 11. Wysly rybki wysly The fish are gone gone
1:56 4.43 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
30. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 12. Wsyscy przjechali All the folks have arrived
2:31 5.76 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
31. Dans les pres fleurs In the flowering meadous
2:37 5.99 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy

CD 3

1. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 1. Na ksiezycu czarnym On the black moon
1:52 4.27 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
2. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 2. Swiety Franciszek mowi Saint Francis says
1:53 4.31 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
3. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 3. Pachna mi dziwnie twoje zlote slowy I can sense the exquisite fragrance of your golden hair
3:10 7.25 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
4. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 4. W mym sercu In my heart
2:07 4.85 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
5. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 5. Z maurytanskich spiewnych sal From Moorish singing halls
1:37 3.70 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
6. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 6. Na pustej trzcinie On a hollow reed
2:36 5.96 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
7. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - I. Wunsche Wishes
1:25 3.25 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
8. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - II. Die einzige Arzenei The only medicine
1:44 3.97 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
9. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - III. Die brennenden Tulpen The burning tulips
2:32 5.80 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
10. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - IV. Tanz Dance
2:06 4.81 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
11. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - V. Der verliebte Ostwind The lovesick East wind
2:02 4.66 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
12. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - VI. Trauriger Fruhling Sad spring
2:12 5.04 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
13. Das Grab des Hafis The Grave of Hafis Op. posth
5:23 12.32 Mb 320 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
14. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 1. Mein Herz My heart
2:33 5.84 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
15. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 2. Der junge Prinz The young prince I
3:05 7.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
16. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 3. Der junge Prinz The young prince II
3:00 6.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
17. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 4. Das letzte Lied The last song
2:19 5.31 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
18. 12 Songs Op. 17 - I. Hoch in der Fruhe Up light at an early hour
2:03 4.70 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
19. 12 Songs Op. 17 - II. Gehimnis A secret
1:45 4.01 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
20. 12 Songs Op. 17 - III. Werbung Courtship
1:41 3.86 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
21. 12 Songs Op. 17 - IV. Manche Nacht Some night
2:42 6.18 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
22. 12 Songs Op. 17 - V. Aufblick Revelation
3:34 8.17 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
23. 12 Songs Op. 17 - VI. Verkundigung The annunciation
1:57 4.47 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
24. 12 Songs Op. 17 - VII. Nach einem Regen After the rain
1:27 3.32 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
25. 12 Songs Op. 17 - VIII. Entfuhrung Abduction
2:06 4.81 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
26. 12 Songs Op. 17 - IX. Schlummerlied Slumber song
1:48 4.12 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
27. 12 Songs Op. 17 - X. Seele Soul
1:47 4.09 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
28. 12 Songs Op. 17 - XI. Fragment aus from Der Gluhende
1:39 3.78 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
29. 12 Songs Op. 17 - XII. Liebesnacht Night of love
3:12 7.32 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy

CD 4

1. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 I. Samotny ksiezyc Lonely moon
4:00 9.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
2. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 II. Slowik The nightingale
2:43 6.22 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
3. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 III. Zlote trzewiczki Golden slippe
2:28 5.65 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
4. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 IV. Taniec A dance
2:06 4.81 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
5. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 V. Piesn o fali The Song of the Wave
3:19 7.60 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
6. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 VI. Uczta A feast
2:36 5.96 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
7. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - I. Slowisien Cherrywords
1:51 4.24 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
8. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - II. Zielone slowa Green words
1:43 3.93 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
9. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - III. Sw. Franciszek St. Francis
1:55 4.39 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
10. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - IV. Kalinowe dwory Red song
1:03 2.41 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
11. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - V. Wanda
2:26 5.57 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
12. Lullabies Berceuses Op. 48 - I. Pochyl sie cicho nad kolyska Bend silently over the cradle
1:35 3.63 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
13. Lullabies Berceuses Op. 48 - II. Spiewam morzu gwiazdom i tobie I sing to the sea
1:23 3.17 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
14. Lullabies Berceuses Op. 48 - III. Bialy krag ksiezyca albrzymi White giant circle of the moon
1:41 3.86 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
15. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 1. Przed zasnieciem Before falling asleep
1:07 2.56 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
16. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 2. Jak sie najlepiej opedzac od szerszenia How to best get away from a hornet
0:54 2.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
17. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 3. Mieszkanie Home
0:51 1.95 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
18. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 4. Prosie Piglet
0:51 1.95 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
19. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 5. Gwiazdka Christmas
1:05 2.48 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
20. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 6. Slub krolewny The Princess wedding
1:42 3.90 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
21. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 7. Trzmiel i zuk The bumblebee and the beetle
0:45 1.72 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
22. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 8. Swieta Krystyna Saint Krystyna
1:15 2.86 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
23. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 9. Wiosna Spring
0:50 1.91 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
24. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 10. Kilysanka Lalek The dolls lullaby
0:49 1.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
25. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 11. Gil i sroka The bullfinch and the magpie
0:44 1.68 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
26. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 12. Smutek The sad one
1:17 2.94 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
27. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 13 - Wizyta u krowy A visit at the cows
1:01 2.33 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
28. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 14. Kolysanka Krzysi Krzysias lullaby
1:26 3.28 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
29. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 15. Kot The cat
1:24 3.21 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
30. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 16. Kolysanka Lalki Lalkas lullaby
0:49 1.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
31. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 17. Myszy Mice
0:48 1.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
32. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 18. Zly Lejba The cheating shopkeeper
2:15 5.15 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
33. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 19. Kolysanka gniadego konia The bay-horses lullaby
1:33 3.55 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
34. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 20. Nikczemny szpak The ill-tempered starling
1:56 4.43 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
35. Vocalise-Etude Vocalise-Study
3:18 7.56 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
36. Samotny ksiezyc Lonely moon Op.31 nr.1a
2:24 5.50 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
10.84 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy

CD 1

1. 6 Songs Op. 2 - I. Daleko zostal caly swiat The world is left far behind
2:34 8.39 Mb 456 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
2. 6 Songs Op. 2 - II. Tys nie umarla You are not dead
1:52 6.51 Mb 487 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
3. 6 Songs Op. 2 - III. We mglach In the mists
1:47 5.84 Mb 457 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
4. 6 Songs Op. 2 - IV. Czasemgdy dlugo na pol sennie marze Sometimes when long I drowsili dream
2:24 7.63 Mb 444 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
5. 6 Songs Op. 2 - V. Slyszalem ciebie I heard you
2:27 8.02 Mb 457 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
6. 6 Songs Op. 2 - VI. Pielgrzym The pilgrim
2:04 6.79 Mb 459 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
7. 3 Poems by Jan Kasprowicz Op. 5 - 1. Swiety Boze Holy God
6:27 22.44 Mb 486 Kbp
0.34 $ Buy
8. 3 Poems by Jan Kasprowicz Op. 5 - 2. Jestem i placze I am and I weep
5:25 19.51 Mb 503 Kbp
0.29 $ Buy
9. 3 Poems by Jan Kasprowicz Op. 5 - 3. Moja piesn wieczorna My evening song
5:12 18.22 Mb 489 Kbp
0.27 $ Buy
10. Labedz The Swan Op. 7
3:34 12.27 Mb 481 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
11. 4 Songs Op. 11 - I. Tak jestem smetny Joyless I am
3:18 11.86 Mb 502 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
12. 4 Songs Op. 11 - II. W zaczarowanym lesie In the enchanted forest
2:20 7.80 Mb 467 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
13. 4 Songs Op. 11 - III. Nade mna leci w szafir morza Flying over me into the sapphire of the sea
1:40 5.64 Mb 473 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
14. 4 Songs Op. 11 - IV. Rycz burzo Roar storm
2:27 9.13 Mb 520 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
15. Piosenki Zolnierskie - 1. Do dziewczyny To a girl
1:58 8.23 Mb 585 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
16. Piosenki Zolnierskie - 2. O zwiedzionym zolnierzu The outsmarted soldier
2:34 10.67 Mb 581 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
17. Piosenki Zolnierskie - 3. Wyszywala raz Hanka Hanka was embroidering
1:20 5.14 Mb 538 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
18. Idom se siuhaje dolu spiewajecy Young highlanders descend singing
1:14 5.25 Mb 595 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
19. 5 Songs Op. 13 - I. Stimme im Dunkeln Voice in the dark
2:17 7.09 Mb 433 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
20. 5 Songs Op. 13 - II. Christkindleins Wiegenlied The Christchilds lullaby
3:12 11.04 Mb 482 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
21. 5 Songs Op. 13 - III. Auf See At sea
1:50 6.33 Mb 482 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
22. 5 Songs Op. 13 - IV. Zuleikha Suleika
2:21 8.17 Mb 486 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
23. 5 Songs Op. 13 - V. Die schwarze Laute The black lute
2:27 9.03 Mb 515 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
24. 3 Songs Op. 32 - 1. Sunrise
1:55 6.34 Mb 462 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
25. 3 Songs Op. 32 - 2. ÃStarless sky
2:13 7.69 Mb 484 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
26. 3 Songs Op. 32 - 3. Autumnal sun
2:20 8.41 Mb 505 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy

CD 2

1. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - I. Einsiedel The hermit
2:02 7.51 Mb 516 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
2. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - II. Lied des Madchens am Fenster Song of the girl at the window
2:45 9.26 Mb 470 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
3. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - III. An kleine Madchen For little girl
2:25 8.50 Mb 491 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
4. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - IV. Das hat die Sommernacht getan That is what the summer night did
1:58 6.72 Mb 477 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
5. Bunte Lieder Colorfull songs Op. 22 - V. Bestimmung Destiny
1:49 5.68 Mb 436 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
6. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 1. Allah Allah Akbar Allah Akbar
2:40 9.44 Mb 494 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
7. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 2. O ukochana ma O my belved
1:55 6.53 Mb 476 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
8. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 3. Ledwie blask slonca The barely golden sun
2:56 8.95 Mb 426 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
9. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 4. W poludnie At noon
2:17 7.47 Mb 456 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
10. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 5. O tej godzinie At this hour
2:55 9.47 Mb 453 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
11. Pesni muezina szalonego Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin Op. 42 - 6. Odeszlas w pustynie You departed
3:25 11.29 Mb 461 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
12. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 1. Gentle lady do not sing
1:48 4.95 Mb 383 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
13. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 2. Sleep now
1:31 4.27 Mb 393 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
14. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 3. Lean out of the window
1:06 3.32 Mb 422 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
15. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 4. My dove my beautiful one
1:43 5.37 Mb 437 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
16. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 5. Strings in the earth
1:18 4.24 Mb 455 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
17. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 6. Winds of may
1:09 3.76 Mb 456 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
18. 7 Songs by James Joyce Op. 54 - 7. Rain has fallen
1:41 4.61 Mb 383 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
19. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 1. Lecioly zorazie The cranes where flying
1:49 6.22 Mb 478 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
20. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 2. Wysla burzycka The storm has come
1:55 6.32 Mb 460 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
21. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 3. Uwoz mamo Beware mother
2:09 7.42 Mb 482 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
22. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 4. U jeziorecka By the lake
2:25 7.65 Mb 442 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
23. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 5. A pod borem siwe kunie Grey horses by the forest
2:36 8.35 Mb 448 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
24. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 6. Bzicem kunia Hurry the horse
2:26 8.66 Mb 497 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
25. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 7. Sciani dumbek Felled oak
1:52 5.61 Mb 420 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
26. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 8. Lec glosie po rosie Fly my voice over the dew
1:45 6.17 Mb 492 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
27. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 9. Zarzyjze kuniu Neigh horse
3:08 10.91 Mb 486 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
28. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 10. Ciamna nocka ciamna Dark is the night dark
1:58 6.71 Mb 477 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
29. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 11. Wysly rybki wysly The fish are gone gone
1:56 6.83 Mb 493 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
30. Piesni Kurpiowski 12 Kurpian Songs Op. 58 - 12. Wsyscy przjechali All the folks have arrived
2:31 7.96 Mb 442 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
31. Dans les pres fleurs In the flowering meadous
2:37 8.55 Mb 456 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy

CD 3

1. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 1. Na ksiezycu czarnym On the black moon
1:52 5.14 Mb 384 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
2. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 2. Swiety Franciszek mowi Saint Francis says
1:53 4.86 Mb 360 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
3. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 3. Pachna mi dziwnie twoje zlote slowy I can sense the exquisite fragrance of your golden hair
3:10 9.35 Mb 412 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
4. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 4. W mym sercu In my heart
2:07 5.49 Mb 362 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
5. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 5. Z maurytanskich spiewnych sal From Moorish singing halls
1:37 4.52 Mb 390 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
6. 6 Songs Op. 20 - 6. Na pustej trzcinie On a hollow reed
2:36 6.62 Mb 355 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
7. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - I. Wunsche Wishes
1:25 4.09 Mb 403 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
8. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - II. Die einzige Arzenei The only medicine
1:44 5.26 Mb 424 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
9. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - III. Die brennenden Tulpen The burning tulips
2:32 7.21 Mb 397 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
10. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - IV. Tanz Dance
2:06 6.04 Mb 401 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
11. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - V. Der verliebte Ostwind The lovesick East wind
2:02 6.23 Mb 428 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
12. Love Songs of Hafiz Op. 24 - VI. Trauriger Fruhling Sad spring
2:12 5.70 Mb 362 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
13. Das Grab des Hafis The Grave of Hafis Op. posth
5:23 13.75 Mb 357 Kbp
0.21 $ Buy
14. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 1. Mein Herz My heart
2:33 6.75 Mb 370 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
15. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 2. Der junge Prinz The young prince I
3:05 7.81 Mb 353 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
16. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 3. Der junge Prinz The young prince II
3:00 8.31 Mb 387 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
17. 4 Songs Op. 41 - 4. Das letzte Lied The last song
2:19 5.41 Mb 326 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
18. 12 Songs Op. 17 - I. Hoch in der Fruhe Up light at an early hour
2:03 6.26 Mb 427 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
19. 12 Songs Op. 17 - II. Gehimnis A secret
1:45 4.20 Mb 335 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
20. 12 Songs Op. 17 - III. Werbung Courtship
1:41 6.12 Mb 508 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
21. 12 Songs Op. 17 - IV. Manche Nacht Some night
2:42 7.57 Mb 392 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
22. 12 Songs Op. 17 - V. Aufblick Revelation
3:34 9.04 Mb 354 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
23. 12 Songs Op. 17 - VI. Verkundigung The annunciation
1:57 5.01 Mb 359 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
24. 12 Songs Op. 17 - VII. Nach einem Regen After the rain
1:27 4.11 Mb 396 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
25. 12 Songs Op. 17 - VIII. Entfuhrung Abduction
2:06 6.88 Mb 458 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
26. 12 Songs Op. 17 - IX. Schlummerlied Slumber song
1:48 4.58 Mb 355 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
27. 12 Songs Op. 17 - X. Seele Soul
1:47 5.06 Mb 396 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
28. 12 Songs Op. 17 - XI. Fragment aus from Der Gluhende
1:39 3.83 Mb 324 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
29. 12 Songs Op. 17 - XII. Liebesnacht Night of love
3:12 9.83 Mb 429 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy

CD 4

1. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 I. Samotny ksiezyc Lonely moon
4:00 12.59 Mb 439 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
2. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 II. Slowik The nightingale
2:43 8.92 Mb 459 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
3. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 III. Zlote trzewiczki Golden slippe
2:28 7.65 Mb 433 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
4. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 IV. Taniec A dance
2:06 7.30 Mb 485 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
5. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 V. Piesn o fali The Song of the Wave
3:19 10.30 Mb 433 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
6. Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess Op. 31 VI. Uczta A feast
2:36 9.56 Mb 513 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
7. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - I. Slowisien Cherrywords
1:51 5.88 Mb 444 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
8. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - II. Zielone slowa Green words
1:43 5.94 Mb 483 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
9. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - III. Sw. Franciszek St. Francis
1:55 5.48 Mb 399 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
10. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - IV. Kalinowe dwory Red song
1:03 3.94 Mb 524 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
11. Slopiwenie Op. 46bis - V. Wanda
2:26 6.86 Mb 394 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
12. Lullabies Berceuses Op. 48 - I. Pochyl sie cicho nad kolyska Bend silently over the cradle
1:35 4.11 Mb 363 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
13. Lullabies Berceuses Op. 48 - II. Spiewam morzu gwiazdom i tobie I sing to the sea
1:23 3.81 Mb 384 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
14. Lullabies Berceuses Op. 48 - III. Bialy krag ksiezyca albrzymi White giant circle of the moon
1:41 5.15 Mb 427 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
15. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 1. Przed zasnieciem Before falling asleep
1:07 3.70 Mb 462 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
16. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 2. Jak sie najlepiej opedzac od szerszenia How to best get away from a hornet
0:54 3.12 Mb 484 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
17. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 3. Mieszkanie Home
0:51 2.62 Mb 430 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
18. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 4. Prosie Piglet
0:51 2.83 Mb 465 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
19. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 5. Gwiazdka Christmas
1:05 3.53 Mb 454 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
20. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 6. Slub krolewny The Princess wedding
1:42 5.79 Mb 476 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
21. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 7. Trzmiel i zuk The bumblebee and the beetle
0:45 2.61 Mb 486 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
22. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 8. Swieta Krystyna Saint Krystyna
1:15 3.96 Mb 442 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
23. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 9. Wiosna Spring
0:50 2.83 Mb 474 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
24. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 10. Kilysanka Lalek The dolls lullaby
0:49 2.66 Mb 455 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
25. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 11. Gil i sroka The bullfinch and the magpie
0:44 2.46 Mb 467 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
26. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 12. Smutek The sad one
1:17 4.15 Mb 451 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
27. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 13 - Wizyta u krowy A visit at the cows
1:01 3.49 Mb 480 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
28. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 14. Kolysanka Krzysi Krzysias lullaby
1:26 4.66 Mb 454 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
29. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 15. Kot The cat
1:24 4.39 Mb 437 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
30. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 16. Kolysanka Lalki Lalkas lullaby
0:49 2.55 Mb 436 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
31. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 17. Myszy Mice
0:48 2.75 Mb 479 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
32. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 18. Zly Lejba The cheating shopkeeper
2:15 7.85 Mb 487 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
33. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 19. Kolysanka gniadego konia The bay-horses lullaby
1:33 4.92 Mb 443 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
34. Childrens Rhymes Op. 49 - 20. Nikczemny szpak The ill-tempered starling
1:56 6.85 Mb 494 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
35. Vocalise-Etude Vocalise-Study
3:18 9.87 Mb 418 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
36. Samotny ksiezyc Lonely moon Op.31 nr.1a
2:24 7.96 Mb 463 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
11.34 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy
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