
Early Music - From Ancient Times To The Renaissance CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World

Early Music - From Ancient Times To The Renaissance CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World
- Various Artist
1 01 - Akousate (Music of Ancient Greece) 3:44 8.56 Mb 320 Kbps 0.17 $
2 02 - Melomai (Music of Ancient Greece) 2:24 5.48 Mb 320 Kbps 0.11 $
3 03 - Eros (Music of Ancient Greece) 0:46 1.75 Mb 320 Kbps 0.03 $
4 04 - Nomos M (Music of Ancient Greece) 1:14 2.81 Mb 320 Kbps 0.06 $
5 05 - Daktylos amera (Music of Ancient Greece) 2:39 6.06 Mb 320 Kbps 0.12 $
6 06 - Makrotatos (Music of Ancient Greece) 2:56 6.73 Mb 320 Kbps 0.13 $
7 07 - Ekleipsis (Music of Ancient Greece) 4:55 11.24 Mb 320 Kbps 0.22 $
8 08 - Psaume 23 (The Music of the Bible) 2:13 5.08 Mb 320 Kbps 0.10 $
9 09 - Psaume 24 (The Music of the Bible) 3:00 6.85 Mb 320 Kbps 0.14 $
10 10 - Cantique des Cantiques I,1 (The Music of the Bible) 1:40 3.80 Mb 320 Kbps 0.08 $
11 11 - Lamentations I,1 (The Music of the Bible) 1:54 4.35 Mb 320 Kbps 0.09 $
12 12 - Psaume 150 ''Alleluia'' (The Music of the Bible) 0:59 2.27 Mb 320 Kbps 0.05 $
13 13 - Esther V,1 (The Music of the Bible) 2:29 5.67 Mb 320 Kbps 0.11 $
14 14 - Alleluia, Tropaire de la venue de l' Epoux (Byzantine Chant) 2:46 6.32 Mb 320 Kbps 0.13 $
15 15 - Exapostilarion de l'Office de Mardi Saint- version arabe (Byzantine Chant) 1:06 2.53 Mb 320 Kbps 0.05 $
16 16 - Exapostilarion de l'Office de Mardi Saint- version grecque (Byzantine Chant) 1:15 2.88 Mb 320 Kbps 0.06 $
17 17 - Exapostilarion de l'Office de Mardi Saint- version arabe (Byzantine Chant) 1:18 2.99 Mb 320 Kbps 0.06 $
18 18 - Kinonikon (Byzantine Chant) 6:16 14.34 Mb 320 Kbps 0.29 $
19 19 - Extrait du Canon de Samedi Saint- premiere stance (Byzantine Chant) 1:57 4.47 Mb 320 Kbps 0.09 $
20 20 - Extrait du Canon de Samedi Saint- deuxieme stance (Byzantine Chant) 2:17 5.24 Mb 320 Kbps 0.10 $
21 21 - Extrait du Canon de Samedi Saint- troisieme stance (Byzantine Chant) 1:39 3.79 Mb 320 Kbps 0.08 $
22 22 - Axion esti (Melchite Sacred Chant) 4:37 10.56 Mb 320 Kbps 0.21 $
23 23 - Ya walidata-l-ilah (Melchite Sacred Chant) 2:57 6.77 Mb 320 Kbps 0.14 $
24 24 - Alleluia Martinus (Alleluias and Offertories of the Gauls) 4:49 11.02 Mb 320 Kbps 0.22 $
25 25 - Offertoire Martinus igitur (Alleluias and Offertories of the Gauls) 6:21 14.53 Mb 320 Kbps 0.29 $
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