
Handel - Samson - Raymond Leppard


1. SAMSON oratorio HWV 57 - Act I. Sinfonia
8:40 19.84 Mb 320 Kbp
0.40 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Recitative Samson: ''This day a solemn feast to Dagon held''
0:37 1.42 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
3. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: ''Awake the trumpet's lofty sound''
2:14 5.11 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
4. Scene 1. Air Dalila: ''Ye men of Gaza hither bring''
3:43 8.51 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
5. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: ''Awake the trumpet's lofty sound''
0:35 1.34 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Philistine: ''Loud as the thunder's awful voice''
3:04 7.02 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
7. Scene 1. Air Philistine woman: ''Then free from sorrow free from thrall''
2:49 6.45 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
8. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: ''Awake the trumpet's lofty sound''
0:34 1.30 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
9. Scene 1. Recitative Samson: ''Why by an angel was my birth foretold''
1:10 2.67 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
10. Scene 1. Air Samson: ''Torments alas are not confin'd''
3:36 8.24 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Recitative Micah: ''Oh change beyond report thought or belief''
0:54 2.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Air Micah: ''Oh mirror of our fickle state''
3:47 8.66 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
13. Scene 2. Recitative Samson Micah: ''Whom have I to complain of but myself'' ... ''Matchless in might once Israel's glory now her grief'' ...
2:22 5.42 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
14. Scene 2. Air Samson: ''Total eclipse No sun no moon''
3:57 9.04 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
15. Scene 2. Air Micah: ''Since light so necessary is to life''
1:25 3.24 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
16. Scene 2. Chorus of Israelites: ''Oh first created beam And thou great word''
4:10 9.54 Mb 320 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
17. Scene 2. Recitative Samson Micah: ''Ye see my friends how woes enclose me round'' ... ''The wisest men have err'd and been deceiv'd'' ...
1:39 3.78 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
18. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa Micah Israelitish Man: ''Brethren and men of Dan say where is my son'' ...''As signal now in low dejected state'' ...
1:52 4.27 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
19. Scene 3. Air Israelitish Man: ''Oh ever failing trust in mortal strength''
2:32 5.80 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
20. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa: ''The good we wish for often proves our bane''
1:14 2.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
21. Scene 3. Air Manoa: ''Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue''
4:49 11.03 Mb 320 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
22. Scene 3. Recitative Samson Manoah: ''Justly these evils have befall'n thy son'' ... ''Worse yet remains'' ...
1:36 3.67 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
23. Scene 3. Air Samson: ''My griefs for this''
1:11 2.71 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
24. Scene 3. Air Samson: ''Why does the God of Israel sleep?''
5:16 12.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
25. Scene 3. Recitative Micah: ''There lies our hope True prophet may'st thou be''
0:23 0.88 Mb 320 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
26. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''Then shall they know that He whose name''
2:29 5.69 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy


1. Scene 3. Recitative Manoah Samson: ''For thee my dearest son - must thou meanwhile'' ... ''It should be so to expiate my crime'' ...
2:58 6.79 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
2. Scene 3. Air Micah: ''Then long eternity shall greet your bliss''
2:05 4.77 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
3. Scene 3. Air Micah: ''Joys that are pure sincerely good''
3:10 7.25 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
4. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''Then round about the starry throne''
2:17 5.23 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
5. ACT II. Scene 1. Recitative Manoa Samson: ''Despair not thus You once were God's delight'' ... ''Where'er the liquid brook or fountain flow'd'' ...
1:20 3.06 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Manoa: ''Just are the way of God to man''
3:53 8.89 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
7. Scene 1. Recitative Samson Micah: ''My evils hopeless are One pray'r remains''
0:46 1.76 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
8. Scene 1. Air Micah: ''Return oh God of hosts''
4:48 10.99 Mb 320 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
9. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: ''To dust his glory they would tread''
3:33 8.13 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
10. Scene 2. Recitative Micah Samson Dalila: ''But who is this? that so bedeck'd and gay'' ... ''My wife? my traitress? Let her not come near me'' ...
3:02 6.95 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Air Dalila: ''With plaintive notes and am'rous moan''
7:38 17.48 Mb 320 Kbp
0.35 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Recitative Samson: ''Did love constrain thee? No 'twas raging lust''
0:49 1.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
13. Scene 2. Air Samson: ''Your charms to ruin led the way''
3:09 7.21 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
14. Scene 2. Recitative Dalila: ''Forgive what's done nor think of what's past cure''
0:34 1.30 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
15. Scene 2. Duet Dalila Virgin: ''My faith and truth oh Samson prove''
4:35 10.49 Mb 320 Kbp
0.21 $ Buy
16. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins: ''Her faith and truth O Samson prove''
1:14 2.83 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
17. Scene 2. Air [1st verse] Dalila: ''To fleeting pleasures make your court''
1:49 4.16 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
18. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins: ''Her faith and truth oh Samson prove''
1:13 2.79 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
19. Scene 2. Air [2nd verse] Dalila: ''How charming is domestic ease''
1:47 4.09 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
20. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins: ''Her faith and truth oh Samson prove''
1:13 2.79 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
21. Scene 2. Recitatives Samson Dalila: ''Ne'er think of that I know thy warbling charms'' ... ''Let me approach at least and touch thy hand'' ...
1:33 3.55 Mb 320 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
23. Scene 3. Air Israelitish Man: ''It is not virtue valour wit''
5:11 11.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
24. Scene 3. Recitative Samson: ''Favour'd of heaven is he who finds one true''
0:18 0.69 Mb 320 Kbp
0.01 $ Buy
25. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''To man God's universal law''
3:10 7.25 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
26. Scene 4. Recitative Micah Harapha Samson: ''No words of peace no voice enchanting fear'' ... ''I come not Samson to condole thy chance'' ...
1:55 4.39 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
27. Scene 4. Air Harapha: ''Honour and arms scorn such a foe''
6:11 14.17 Mb 320 Kbp
0.28 $ Buy


1. Scene 4. Recitative Samson: ''Put on your arms then take for spear'' Air Samson: ''My strength is from the living God''
3:08 7.17 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
2. Scene 4. Recitative Harapha Samson: ''With thee a man condemn'd a slave enroll'd'' ... ''Cam'st thou for this vain boaster?'' ...
0:46 1.76 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
3. Scene 4. Duet Samson Harapha: ''Go baffled coward go''
2:36 5.96 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
4. Scene 4. Recitative Micah: ''Here lies the proof''
0:52 1.99 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
5. Scene 4. Chorus of Israelites: ''Hear Jacob's God Jehovah hear''
2:57 6.76 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
6. Scene 4. Recitative Harapha: ''Dagon arise attend thy sacred feast''
0:18 0.69 Mb 320 Kbp
0.01 $ Buy
7. Scene 4. Air A Philistine: ''To song and dance we give the day''
4:20 9.92 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
8. Scene 4. Chorus of Philistines: ''To song and dance we give the day''
2:18 5.27 Mb 320 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
9. Scene 4. Double Chorus of Israelites and Philistines: ''Fix'd in his everlasting seat''
3:02 6.95 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
10. ACT III. Scene 1. Recitative Micah Samson Harapha: ''More trouble is behind for Harapha'' ... ''I fear him not nor all his giant brood'' ...
1:15 2.86 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
11. Scene 1. Air Harapha: ''Presuming slave to move their wrath''
2:43 6.22 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
12. Scene 1. Recitative Micah Samson: ''Reflect then Samson matters now are strain'd'' ... ''Shall I abuse this consecrated gift'' ...
0:46 1.76 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
13. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: ''With thunder arm'd great God arise''
3:19 7.60 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
14. Scene 1. Recitative Samson Micah Harapha: ''Be of good courage I begin to feel''
2:42 6.19 Mb 320 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
15. Scene 1. Air Samson: ''Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed''
4:22 10.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
16. Scene 1. Recitative Micah: ''With might endued above the sons of men''
0:40 1.53 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
17. Scene 1. Air Micah: ''The Holy One of Israel be thy guide'' Chorus of Israelites: ''To fame immortal go''
2:44 6.26 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
18. Scene 2. Recitative Micah Manoa: ''Old Manoa with youthful steps'' ... ''I come my brethren not to seek my son''
0:27 1.03 Mb 320 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
19. Scene 2. Air A Philistine and Chorus of Philistines: ''Great Dagon has subdued our foe''
3:50 8.78 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
20. Scene 2. Recitative Manoa Micah: ''What noise of joy was that? it tore the sky''
0:49 1.87 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
21. Scene 2. Air Manoa: ''How willing my paternal love''
3:35 8.21 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
22. Scene 2. Recitative Micah Manoa: ''Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain'' ... ''I know your friendly minds'' Chorus of Philistines: ''Hear us our God oh hear our cry''
1:48 4.12 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
24. Scene 3. Air Micah: ''Ye sons of Israel now lament'' Chorus of Israelites: ''Weep Israel weep a louder strain''
3:48 8.70 Mb 320 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
25. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa: ''Proceed we hence to find his body''
0:53 2.03 Mb 320 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
26. Scene 3. Dead March Symphony
2:47 6.38 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
27. Scene 3. Recitative Micah Manoah: ''The body comes we'll meet it on the way'' ... ''There shall all IsraeI's valiant youth resort''
0:59 2.26 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
28. Scene 3. Manoa Chorus of Israelites Israelitish Woman Chorus of Virgins: ''Glorious hero may thy grave'' ... ''The virgins too shall on their feastful days'' ... ''Bring the laurels bring the bays'' ...
5:13 11.94 Mb 320 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
29. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa Micah: ''Come come no time for lamentation now''
1:04 2.44 Mb 320 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
30. Scene 3. Air Israelitish Woman: ''Let the bright seraphim in burning row''
3:31 8.05 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
31. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''Let their celestal concerts all unite''
3:35 8.21 Mb 320 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
8.57 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy


1. SAMSON oratorio HWV 57 - Act I. Sinfonia
8:40 39.93 Mb 644 Kbp
0.60 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Recitative Samson: ''This day a solemn feast to Dagon held''
0:37 2.44 Mb 553 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
3. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: ''Awake the trumpet's lofty sound''
2:14 11.52 Mb 721 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
4. Scene 1. Air Dalila: ''Ye men of Gaza hither bring''
3:43 16.36 Mb 615 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
5. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: ''Awake the trumpet's lofty sound''
0:35 2.96 Mb 708 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Philistine: ''Loud as the thunder's awful voice''
3:04 14.55 Mb 662 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
7. Scene 1. Air Philistine woman: ''Then free from sorrow free from thrall''
2:49 12.60 Mb 625 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
8. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: ''Awake the trumpet's lofty sound''
0:34 2.89 Mb 713 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
9. Scene 1. Recitative Samson: ''Why by an angel was my birth foretold''
1:10 5.01 Mb 599 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
10. Scene 1. Air Samson: ''Torments alas are not confin'd''
3:36 15.30 Mb 594 Kbp
0.23 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Recitative Micah: ''Oh change beyond report thought or belief''
0:54 3.53 Mb 547 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Air Micah: ''Oh mirror of our fickle state''
3:47 15.85 Mb 585 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
13. Scene 2. Recitative Samson Micah: ''Whom have I to complain of but myself'' ... ''Matchless in might once Israel's glory now her grief'' ...
2:22 9.59 Mb 566 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
14. Scene 2. Air Samson: ''Total eclipse No sun no moon''
3:57 16.81 Mb 594 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
15. Scene 2. Air Micah: ''Since light so necessary is to life''
1:25 5.37 Mb 530 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
16. Scene 2. Chorus of Israelites: ''Oh first created beam And thou great word''
4:10 18.69 Mb 626 Kbp
0.28 $ Buy
17. Scene 2. Recitative Samson Micah: ''Ye see my friends how woes enclose me round'' ... ''The wisest men have err'd and been deceiv'd'' ...
1:39 6.93 Mb 587 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
18. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa Micah Israelitish Man: ''Brethren and men of Dan say where is my son'' ...''As signal now in low dejected state'' ...
1:52 8.06 Mb 603 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
19. Scene 3. Air Israelitish Man: ''Oh ever failing trust in mortal strength''
2:32 11.67 Mb 644 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
20. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa: ''The good we wish for often proves our bane''
1:14 5.39 Mb 611 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
21. Scene 3. Air Manoa: ''Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue''
4:49 21.01 Mb 609 Kbp
0.32 $ Buy
22. Scene 3. Recitative Samson Manoah: ''Justly these evils have befall'n thy son'' ... ''Worse yet remains'' ...
1:36 7.06 Mb 616 Kbp
0.11 $ Buy
23. Scene 3. Air Samson: ''My griefs for this''
1:11 5.35 Mb 631 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
24. Scene 3. Air Samson: ''Why does the God of Israel sleep?''
5:16 26.56 Mb 705 Kbp
0.40 $ Buy
25. Scene 3. Recitative Micah: ''There lies our hope True prophet may'st thou be''
0:23 1.48 Mb 537 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
26. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''Then shall they know that He whose name''
2:29 11.85 Mb 666 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy


1. Scene 3. Recitative Manoah Samson: ''For thee my dearest son - must thou meanwhile'' ... ''It should be so to expiate my crime'' ...
2:58 11.78 Mb 554 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
2. Scene 3. Air Micah: ''Then long eternity shall greet your bliss''
2:05 7.92 Mb 531 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
3. Scene 3. Air Micah: ''Joys that are pure sincerely good''
3:10 14.04 Mb 619 Kbp
0.21 $ Buy
4. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''Then round about the starry throne''
2:17 11.24 Mb 688 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
5. ACT II. Scene 1. Recitative Manoa Samson: ''Despair not thus You once were God's delight'' ... ''Where'er the liquid brook or fountain flow'd'' ...
1:20 5.48 Mb 574 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Manoa: ''Just are the way of God to man''
3:53 17.84 Mb 642 Kbp
0.27 $ Buy
7. Scene 1. Recitative Samson Micah: ''My evils hopeless are One pray'r remains''
0:46 2.92 Mb 532 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
8. Scene 1. Air Micah: ''Return oh God of hosts''
4:48 18.46 Mb 537 Kbp
0.28 $ Buy
9. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: ''To dust his glory they would tread''
3:33 14.58 Mb 574 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
10. Scene 2. Recitative Micah Samson Dalila: ''But who is this? that so bedeck'd and gay'' ... ''My wife? my traitress? Let her not come near me'' ...
3:02 11.96 Mb 551 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Air Dalila: ''With plaintive notes and am'rous moan''
7:38 30.44 Mb 557 Kbp
0.46 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Recitative Samson: ''Did love constrain thee? No 'twas raging lust''
0:49 3.56 Mb 609 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
13. Scene 2. Air Samson: ''Your charms to ruin led the way''
3:09 14.39 Mb 638 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
14. Scene 2. Recitative Dalila: ''Forgive what's done nor think of what's past cure''
0:34 2.23 Mb 550 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
15. Scene 2. Duet Dalila Virgin: ''My faith and truth oh Samson prove''
4:35 19.07 Mb 581 Kbp
0.29 $ Buy
16. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins: ''Her faith and truth O Samson prove''
1:14 5.19 Mb 588 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
17. Scene 2. Air [1st verse] Dalila: ''To fleeting pleasures make your court''
1:49 8.07 Mb 620 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
18. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins: ''Her faith and truth oh Samson prove''
1:13 4.84 Mb 555 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
19. Scene 2. Air [2nd verse] Dalila: ''How charming is domestic ease''
1:47 7.88 Mb 617 Kbp
0.12 $ Buy
20. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins: ''Her faith and truth oh Samson prove''
1:13 5.05 Mb 580 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
21. Scene 2. Recitatives Samson Dalila: ''Ne'er think of that I know thy warbling charms'' ... ''Let me approach at least and touch thy hand'' ...
1:33 6.85 Mb 617 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
23. Scene 3. Air Israelitish Man: ''It is not virtue valour wit''
5:11 22.46 Mb 605 Kbp
0.34 $ Buy
24. Scene 3. Recitative Samson: ''Favour'd of heaven is he who finds one true''
0:18 1.24 Mb 575 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
25. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''To man God's universal law''
3:10 14.95 Mb 660 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
26. Scene 4. Recitative Micah Harapha Samson: ''No words of peace no voice enchanting fear'' ... ''I come not Samson to condole thy chance'' ...
1:55 8.54 Mb 622 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
27. Scene 4. Air Harapha: ''Honour and arms scorn such a foe''
6:11 29.34 Mb 662 Kbp
0.44 $ Buy


1. Scene 4. Recitative Samson: ''Put on your arms then take for spear'' Air Samson: ''My strength is from the living God''
3:08 14.30 Mb 638 Kbp
0.21 $ Buy
2. Scene 4. Recitative Harapha Samson: ''With thee a man condemn'd a slave enroll'd'' ... ''Cam'st thou for this vain boaster?'' ...
0:46 3.49 Mb 634 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
3. Scene 4. Duet Samson Harapha: ''Go baffled coward go''
2:36 12.98 Mb 697 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
4. Scene 4. Recitative Micah: ''Here lies the proof''
0:52 3.36 Mb 541 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
5. Scene 4. Chorus of Israelites: ''Hear Jacob's God Jehovah hear''
2:57 14.30 Mb 677 Kbp
0.21 $ Buy
6. Scene 4. Recitative Harapha: ''Dagon arise attend thy sacred feast''
0:18 1.41 Mb 654 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
7. Scene 4. Air A Philistine: ''To song and dance we give the day''
4:20 19.83 Mb 639 Kbp
0.30 $ Buy
8. Scene 4. Chorus of Philistines: ''To song and dance we give the day''
2:18 11.16 Mb 678 Kbp
0.17 $ Buy
9. Scene 4. Double Chorus of Israelites and Philistines: ''Fix'd in his everlasting seat''
3:02 15.52 Mb 715 Kbp
0.23 $ Buy
10. ACT III. Scene 1. Recitative Micah Samson Harapha: ''More trouble is behind for Harapha'' ... ''I fear him not nor all his giant brood'' ...
1:15 5.78 Mb 646 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
11. Scene 1. Air Harapha: ''Presuming slave to move their wrath''
2:43 12.45 Mb 640 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
12. Scene 1. Recitative Micah Samson: ''Reflect then Samson matters now are strain'd'' ... ''Shall I abuse this consecrated gift'' ...
0:46 3.29 Mb 600 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
13. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: ''With thunder arm'd great God arise''
3:19 15.82 Mb 666 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
14. Scene 1. Recitative Samson Micah Harapha: ''Be of good courage I begin to feel''
2:42 12.08 Mb 625 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy
15. Scene 1. Air Samson: ''Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed''
4:22 17.67 Mb 565 Kbp
0.27 $ Buy
16. Scene 1. Recitative Micah: ''With might endued above the sons of men''
0:40 3.30 Mb 689 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
17. Scene 1. Air Micah: ''The Holy One of Israel be thy guide'' Chorus of Israelites: ''To fame immortal go''
2:44 12.60 Mb 644 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
18. Scene 2. Recitative Micah Manoa: ''Old Manoa with youthful steps'' ... ''I come my brethren not to seek my son''
0:27 1.89 Mb 584 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
19. Scene 2. Air A Philistine and Chorus of Philistines: ''Great Dagon has subdued our foe''
3:50 19.01 Mb 693 Kbp
0.29 $ Buy
20. Scene 2. Recitative Manoa Micah: ''What noise of joy was that? it tore the sky''
0:49 3.21 Mb 549 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
21. Scene 2. Air Manoa: ''How willing my paternal love''
3:35 14.70 Mb 573 Kbp
0.22 $ Buy
22. Scene 2. Recitative Micah Manoa: ''Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain'' ... ''I know your friendly minds'' Chorus of Philistines: ''Hear us our God oh hear our cry''
1:48 8.79 Mb 682 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
24. Scene 3. Air Micah: ''Ye sons of Israel now lament'' Chorus of Israelites: ''Weep Israel weep a louder strain''
3:48 15.31 Mb 563 Kbp
0.23 $ Buy
25. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa: ''Proceed we hence to find his body''
0:53 3.45 Mb 546 Kbp
0.05 $ Buy
26. Scene 3. Dead March Symphony
2:47 10.86 Mb 545 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
27. Scene 3. Recitative Micah Manoah: ''The body comes we'll meet it on the way'' ... ''There shall all IsraeI's valiant youth resort''
0:59 3.78 Mb 536 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
28. Scene 3. Manoa Chorus of Israelites Israelitish Woman Chorus of Virgins: ''Glorious hero may thy grave'' ... ''The virgins too shall on their feastful days'' ... ''Bring the laurels bring the bays'' ...
5:13 21.47 Mb 575 Kbp
0.32 $ Buy
29. Scene 3. Recitative Manoa Micah: ''Come come no time for lamentation now''
1:04 4.48 Mb 587 Kbp
0.07 $ Buy
30. Scene 3. Air Israelitish Woman: ''Let the bright seraphim in burning row''
3:31 16.79 Mb 667 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
31. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: ''Let their celestal concerts all unite''
3:35 19.36 Mb 755 Kbp
0.29 $ Buy
12.44 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy
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