
Handel - Susanna - Nicholas McGegan


1. SUSANNA Oratorio in Three Parts HWV 66. Words attributed to Newburgh Hamilton. Premiered at Covent Garden theatre London on 10 February 1749 - PART I. Overture
4:20 9.92 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: How long oh Lord shall Israel groan? Recitative Joacim: Our crimes repeated have provok
3:31 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
3. Scene 1. Air Joacim: Clouds o
5:01 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
4. Scene 1. Duet Joacim Susanna: When thou art nigh Recitative Chelsias: Lives there in Babylon so bless
4:15 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
5. Scene 1. Air Chelsias: Who fears the Lord may dare all foes Recitative Joacim: A flame like mine so faithful and so pure
4:24 10.07 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Joacim: When first I saw my lovely maid Recitative Susanna: Let me confess I hear my praises sung
4:39 10.65 Mb 320 Kbp
0.21 $ Buy
7. Scene 1. Air Susanna: Would custom bid the melting fair Recitative Chelsias: Down my old cheeks the tears of transport roll
7:05 16.22 Mb 320 Kbp
0.32 $ Buy
8. Scene 1. Air Chelsias: Peace crown
2:09 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
9. Scene 1. Air Susanna: Without the swain
6:36 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
10. Scene 1. Air Joacim: The parent bird in search of food
5:19 12.17 Mb 320 Kbp
0.24 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Recitative Accompagnato Susanna: On Joacim may every joy attend … What means this weight that in my bosom lies
1:13 2.79 Mb 320 Kbp
0.06 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Air Susanna: Bending to the throne of glory
5:23 12.33 Mb 320 Kbp
0.25 $ Buy
13. Scene 3. Accompagnato First Elder: Tyrannic love I feel thy cruel dart
1:46 4.05 Mb 320 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
14. Scene 3. Air First Elder: Ye verdant hills ye balmy vales
2:48 6.41 Mb 320 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
15. Scene 4. Recitative Second Elder First Elder: Say is it fit that age should drop his pride
2:09 4.93 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
16. Scene 4. Air Second Elder: The oak that for a thousand years Recitative First Elder Second Elder: Ye winged gales convey these whisp
3:32 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
17. Scene 4. Air First Elder: When the trumpet sounds to arms
4:08 9.46 Mb 320 Kbp
0.19 $ Buy
18. Scene 4. Chorus: Righteous heav
5:12 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy


1. PART II. Scene 1. Recitative Joachim: Frost nips the flow
0:31 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Air Joachim: On fair Euphrates
5:59 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
3. Scene 2. Recitative Susanna: Lead me oh lead me to some cool retreat
0:16 0.61 Mb 320 Kbp
0.01 $ Buy
4. Scene 2. Air Susanna: Crystal streams in murmurs flowing Recitative Susanna Attendant: Too lovely youth for whom these sorrows flow
8:32 19.54 Mb 320 Kbp
0.39 $ Buy
5. Scene 2. Air Attendant: Ask if yon damask rose be sweet Recitative Susanna Attendant: In vain you try to cure my rising grief
2:58 6.79 Mb 320 Kbp
0.14 $ Buy
6. Scene 2. Air Attendant: Beneath the cypress
2:31 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
7. Scene 3. Recitative Susanna: But hark What sudden noise invades my ear?
0:23 0.88 Mb 320 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
8. Scene 3. Air First Elder: Blooming as the face of spring Recitative Second Elder Susanna: We long have languish
5:03 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
9. Scene 3. Air Second Elder: The torrent that sweeps in its course Recitative Susanna Second Elder: Deceitful wolves who left in truth
4:36 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
10. Scene 3. Trio Susanna First Elder Second Elder: Away away Ye tempt me both in vain Recitative Susanna Second Elder: Alas I find the fatal toils are set
2:12 5.04 Mb 320 Kbp
0.10 $ Buy
11. Scene 4. Recitative Second Elder First Elder: I caught the fair delinquent in her sin
0:37 1.42 Mb 320 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
12. Scene 4. Air Susanna: If guiltless blood be your intent Recitative Second Elder: Quick to her fate the loose adult
8:39 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
13. Scene 4. Chorus of Babylonians: Let justice reign and flourish through the land
2:00 4.58 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
14. Scene 5. Recitative Joachim: Is fair Susanna false? It ne
0:31 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
15. Scene 5. Air Joachim: On the rapid whirlwind
4:53 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
16. Scene 5. Chorus of Israelites: O Joacim thy wedded truth
3:50 8.79 Mb 320 Kbp
0.18 $ Buy


1. PART III. Scene 1. Chorus of Babylonians: The cause is decided the sentence decreed Recitative Susanna: I hear my doom nor yet the laws accuse
1:59 4.54 Mb 320 Kbp
0.09 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Air Susanna: Faith displays her rosy wing Recitative First Elder: Permit me fair to mourn thy fate severe
4:18 9.85 Mb 320 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
4. Scene 1. Air Daniel:
5:42 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
5. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: Impartial Heav
6:34 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Daniel: Chastity thou cherub bright Recitative Susanna: But see My Lord my Joacim appears
6:45 15.45 Mb 320 Kbp
0.31 $ Buy
7. Scene 2. Air Joachim: Gold within the furnace try
4:19 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
8. Scene 2. Air Chelsias: Raise your voice to sounds of joy
3:14 7.40 Mb 320 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
9. Scene 2. Chorus of Israelites: Bless
2:00 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
10. Scene 2. Air Susanna: Guilt trembling spoke my doom Recitative Joacim Susanna: Sweet are the accents of thy tuneful tongue
6:34 15.04 Mb 320 Kbp
0.30 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Duet Joachim Susanna: To my chaste Susanna
2:52 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Chorus: A virtuous wife shall soften fortune
1:52 0.00 Mb 320 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
3.58 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy


1. SUSANNA Oratorio in Three Parts HWV 66. Words attributed to Newburgh Hamilton. Premiered at Covent Garden theatre London on 10 February 1749 - PART I. Overture
4:20 21.04 Mb 678 Kbp
0.32 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: How long oh Lord shall Israel groan? Recitative Joacim: Our crimes repeated have provok
3:31 0.00 Mb 707 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
3. Scene 1. Air Joacim: Clouds o
5:01 0.00 Mb 631 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
4. Scene 1. Duet Joacim Susanna: When thou art nigh Recitative Chelsias: Lives there in Babylon so bless
4:15 0.00 Mb 671 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
5. Scene 1. Air Chelsias: Who fears the Lord may dare all foes Recitative Joacim: A flame like mine so faithful and so pure
4:24 23.14 Mb 735 Kbp
0.35 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Joacim: When first I saw my lovely maid Recitative Susanna: Let me confess I hear my praises sung
4:39 22.03 Mb 662 Kbp
0.33 $ Buy
7. Scene 1. Air Susanna: Would custom bid the melting fair Recitative Chelsias: Down my old cheeks the tears of transport roll
7:05 31.11 Mb 614 Kbp
0.47 $ Buy
8. Scene 1. Air Chelsias: Peace crown
2:09 0.00 Mb 588 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
9. Scene 1. Air Susanna: Without the swain
6:36 0.00 Mb 660 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
10. Scene 1. Air Joacim: The parent bird in search of food
5:19 25.60 Mb 673 Kbp
0.38 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Recitative Accompagnato Susanna: On Joacim may every joy attend … What means this weight that in my bosom lies
1:13 5.30 Mb 609 Kbp
0.08 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Air Susanna: Bending to the throne of glory
5:23 22.98 Mb 596 Kbp
0.34 $ Buy
13. Scene 3. Accompagnato First Elder: Tyrannic love I feel thy cruel dart
1:46 8.61 Mb 681 Kbp
0.13 $ Buy
14. Scene 3. Air First Elder: Ye verdant hills ye balmy vales
2:48 13.38 Mb 668 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
15. Scene 4. Recitative Second Elder First Elder: Say is it fit that age should drop his pride
2:09 9.79 Mb 636 Kbp
0.15 $ Buy
16. Scene 4. Air Second Elder: The oak that for a thousand years Recitative First Elder Second Elder: Ye winged gales convey these whisp
3:32 0.00 Mb 684 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
17. Scene 4. Air First Elder: When the trumpet sounds to arms
4:08 21.12 Mb 714 Kbp
0.32 $ Buy
18. Scene 4. Chorus: Righteous heav
5:12 0.00 Mb 793 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy


1. PART II. Scene 1. Recitative Joachim: Frost nips the flow
0:31 0.00 Mb 590 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Air Joachim: On fair Euphrates
5:59 0.00 Mb 663 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
3. Scene 2. Recitative Susanna: Lead me oh lead me to some cool retreat
0:16 1.17 Mb 611 Kbp
0.02 $ Buy
4. Scene 2. Air Susanna: Crystal streams in murmurs flowing Recitative Susanna Attendant: Too lovely youth for whom these sorrows flow
8:32 35.81 Mb 586 Kbp
0.54 $ Buy
5. Scene 2. Air Attendant: Ask if yon damask rose be sweet Recitative Susanna Attendant: In vain you try to cure my rising grief
2:58 13.39 Mb 631 Kbp
0.20 $ Buy
6. Scene 2. Air Attendant: Beneath the cypress
2:31 0.00 Mb 603 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
7. Scene 3. Recitative Susanna: But hark What sudden noise invades my ear?
0:23 1.93 Mb 704 Kbp
0.03 $ Buy
8. Scene 3. Air First Elder: Blooming as the face of spring Recitative Second Elder Susanna: We long have languish
5:03 0.00 Mb 684 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
9. Scene 3. Air Second Elder: The torrent that sweeps in its course Recitative Susanna Second Elder: Deceitful wolves who left in truth
4:36 0.00 Mb 733 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
10. Scene 3. Trio Susanna First Elder Second Elder: Away away Ye tempt me both in vain Recitative Susanna Second Elder: Alas I find the fatal toils are set
2:12 10.99 Mb 698 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
11. Scene 4. Recitative Second Elder First Elder: I caught the fair delinquent in her sin
0:37 2.75 Mb 623 Kbp
0.04 $ Buy
12. Scene 4. Air Susanna: If guiltless blood be your intent Recitative Second Elder: Quick to her fate the loose adult
8:39 0.00 Mb 639 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
13. Scene 4. Chorus of Babylonians: Let justice reign and flourish through the land
2:00 10.52 Mb 735 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
14. Scene 5. Recitative Joachim: Is fair Susanna false? It ne
0:31 0.00 Mb 636 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
15. Scene 5. Air Joachim: On the rapid whirlwind
4:53 0.00 Mb 717 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
16. Scene 5. Chorus of Israelites: O Joacim thy wedded truth
3:50 20.20 Mb 735 Kbp
0.30 $ Buy


1. PART III. Scene 1. Chorus of Babylonians: The cause is decided the sentence decreed Recitative Susanna: I hear my doom nor yet the laws accuse
1:59 10.77 Mb 759 Kbp
0.16 $ Buy
2. Scene 1. Air Susanna: Faith displays her rosy wing Recitative First Elder: Permit me fair to mourn thy fate severe
4:18 18.16 Mb 590 Kbp
0.27 $ Buy
4. Scene 1. Air Daniel:
5:42 0.00 Mb 665 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
5. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites: Impartial Heav
6:34 0.00 Mb 689 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
6. Scene 1. Air Daniel: Chastity thou cherub bright Recitative Susanna: But see My Lord my Joacim appears
6:45 28.46 Mb 589 Kbp
0.43 $ Buy
7. Scene 2. Air Joachim: Gold within the furnace try
4:19 0.00 Mb 683 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
8. Scene 2. Air Chelsias: Raise your voice to sounds of joy
3:14 17.58 Mb 760 Kbp
0.26 $ Buy
9. Scene 2. Chorus of Israelites: Bless
2:00 0.00 Mb 770 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
10. Scene 2. Air Susanna: Guilt trembling spoke my doom Recitative Joacim Susanna: Sweet are the accents of thy tuneful tongue
6:34 31.73 Mb 675 Kbp
0.48 $ Buy
11. Scene 2. Duet Joachim Susanna: To my chaste Susanna
2:52 0.00 Mb 656 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
12. Scene 2. Chorus: A virtuous wife shall soften fortune
1:52 0.00 Mb 784 Kbp
0.00 $ Buy
5.50 $ Купить все за
Итого: 0.00 $ Buy
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