
Precipitando - Alban Berg · Leoš Janáček · Franz Liszt - Dénes Várjon

Precipitando - Alban Berg · Leoš Janáček · Franz Liszt - Dénes Várjon
- Denes Varjon
1 01 - Sonata op. 1 11:03 27.94 Mb 320 Kbps 0.56 $
2 02 - V mlhach (In the mists) (1912)- I Andante 3:28 10.59 Mb 320 Kbps 0.21 $
3 03 - V mlhach (In the mists) (1912)- II Molto adagio 5:08 14.41 Mb 320 Kbps 0.29 $
4 04 - V mlhach (In the mists) (1912)- III Andantino 2:57 9.40 Mb 320 Kbps 0.19 $
5 05 - V mlhach (In the mists) (1912)- IV Presto 4:14 12.33 Mb 320 Kbps 0.25 $
6 06 - Sonata in B minor (1853) 31:10 73.99 Mb 320 Kbps 1.48 $
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