
Praise the Holy Virgin: Venetian and Florentine Laudi of the 15th and 16th century

Praise the Holy Virgin: Venetian and Florentine Laudi of the 15th and 16th century
- Ensemble Daedalus
1 01. O Vergin Santa non mabbandonare 5:18 12.14 Mb 320 Kbps 0.24 $
2 02. Salve regina de misericordia 3:22 7.71 Mb 320 Kbps 0.15 $
3 03. Stava a pie de la croce 6:40 15.26 Mb 320 Kbps 0.31 $
4 04. Piangi dolente anima predata 7:30 17.17 Mb 320 Kbps 0.34 $
5 05. Ave preciosa gemma 2:51 6.53 Mb 320 Kbps 0.13 $
6 06. Salve regina di misericordia 4:53 11.18 Mb 320 Kbps 0.22 $
7 07. Non tardati peccatori 5:07 11.71 Mb 320 Kbps 0.23 $
8 08. Ave fuit prima salus 4:17 9.81 Mb 320 Kbps 0.20 $
9 09. Poichel mio largo pianto 2:55 6.68 Mb 320 Kbps 0.13 $
10 10. O Jesu dolce 4:28 10.23 Mb 320 Kbps 0.20 $
11 11. Sancta Maria regina celorum 3:30 8.01 Mb 320 Kbps 0.16 $
12 12. Gentil madonna de non mabbandonare 3:55 8.97 Mb 320 Kbps 0.18 $
13 13. Cum desiderio vo cerchando 3:00 6.87 Mb 320 Kbps 0.14 $
14 14. O Vergene gentile 3:21 7.67 Mb 320 Kbps 0.15 $
15 15. Ne le tue braze o Vergene Maria 4:13 9.67 Mb 320 Kbps 0.19 $
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