Johann Schelle (Geising, Erzgebirge 6 September 1648 – Leipzig 10 March 1701) was a German Baroque composer.
From 1655 to 1657 he was a choirboy in Dresden and pupil of Heinrich Schütz. From 1657 to 1664 on Schütz's recommendation he was a singer in Wolfenbüttel. He was the cantor of the Thomanerchor from 1677 to 1701.
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Johann Schelle (Geising, Erzgebirge 6 September 1648 – Leipzig 10 March 1701) was a German Baroque composer.
From 1655 to 1657 he was a choirboy in Dresden and pupil of Heinrich Schütz. From 1657 to 1664 on Schütz's recommendation he was a singer in Wolfenbüttel. He was the cantor of the Thomanerchor from 1677 to 1701.