
David Russell - Something Unique

David Russell - Something Unique
- David Russell
1 01 Allegro and Polonesa - 1. Allegro (Dionisio Aguado) 3:24 8.18 Mb 320 Kbps 0.16 $
2 02 Allegro and Polonesa - 2. Polonesa (Dionisio Aguado) 3:34 8.55 Mb 320 Kbps 0.17 $
3 03 Capriccio Diabolico (Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco) 8:52 20.68 Mb 320 Kbps 0.41 $
4 04 Prelude, Tiento, & Toccata - 1. Prelude (Hans Haug) 4:01 9.57 Mb 320 Kbps 0.19 $
5 05 Prelude, Tiento, & Toccata - 2. Tiento (Hans Haug) 4:45 11.24 Mb 320 Kbps 0.22 $
6 06 Prelude, Tiento, & Toccata - 3. Toccata (Hans Haug) 4:02 9.61 Mb 320 Kbps 0.19 $
7 07 Five Pieces from Venezuela - 1. Cantico (Vincente Sojo) 1:29 3.76 Mb 320 Kbps 0.08 $
8 08 Five Pieces from Venezuela - 2. Aguinaldo (Vincente Sojo) 0:46 2.14 Mb 320 Kbps 0.04 $
9 09 Five Pieces from Venezuela - 3. Canción (Vincente Sojo) 1:38 4.12 Mb 320 Kbps 0.08 $
10 10 Five Pieces from Venezuela - 4. Aire Venezolano (Vincente Sojo) 0:53 2.39 Mb 320 Kbps 0.05 $
11 11 Five Pieces from Venezuela - 5. Galerón (Vincente Sojo) 1:02 2.76 Mb 320 Kbps 0.06 $
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